Hardware capture settings

The Capture > Interface Configuration > Capture Features tab allows the configuration of hardware capture settings. The available settings depend on the IOTA model. Features can be enabled and disabled by ticking or unticking the related checkboxes.

Keep CRC32
The CRC32 information (32-bit Frame Check Sequence) located at the end of the packets will be kept in the capture.

Disable Port A
Frames from port A will not be captured.

Disable Port B
Frames from port B will not be captured.

Transmit CRC Errors
Packets with CRC errors will be included in the capture. These packets are usually filtered out by network interfaces.

Packet Slicing (128 bytes)
The payload of every captured frame will be dropped, keeping only the header information (the first 128 bytes) up to the application layer.

Synchronized Timestamps
Allows the capture interface's clock to be disciplined with the IOTA's embedded OS clock, thereby avoiding drift.

Capture Full Frames
Enables capturing packet preamble and SFD. Enabling this option will disable filtering when exporting PCAP traffic. When using the dashboard to export traffic packets, the applied filters will be ignored.

Keep CRC32
The CRC32 information (32-bit Frame Check Sequence) located at the end of the packets will be kept in the capture.

Disable Port A
Frames from port A will not be captured.

Disable Port B
Frames from port B will not be captured.

Transmit CRC Errors
Packets with CRC errors will be included in the capture. These packets are usually filtered out by network interfaces.

Packet Slicing (bytes)
Only the specified amount of data will be captured for each frame, starting from the beginning of the frame, specified in bytes.

Synchronized Timestamps
Allows the capture interface's clock to be disciplined with the IOTA's embedded OS clock, thereby avoiding drift.

Enables Ethernet autonegotiation on both ports when in in-line mode. In SPAN mode, this option is split to allow enabling or disabling autonegotiation on either port independently. Available when IOTA is set to 1G mode.

Capture Full Frames
Enables capturing packet preamble and SFD. Enabling this option will disable filtering when exporting PCAP traffic. When using the dashboard to export traffic packets, the applied filters will be ignored.

  • Last modified: October 16, 2024