The Overview dashboard gives you a quick initial overview of what is happening on your network by displaying the interfaces involved, who is talking to whom, and how much.
The flow diagram is a visual representation of the relationships between interfaces, which helps you to easily identify the top talkers. Clicking an IP address in this diagram creates a dashboard filter, resulting in the dashboard only displaying data involving this IP address.
The network traffic charts displaying bandwidth usage and number of new flows over time are a great way to identify potential time ranges of interest. Clicking and dragging on either chart zooms in on the selected time range.
The list of flows displays all of the flows in the analysis database within the selected time range and matching eventual filters. Clicking the download button next to a flow allows you to download this specific flow for further packet analysis. Clicking an IP address in the list of flows navigates to the Host Details dashboard, for further analysis of the metadata associated with this address.