Port management

The Port Management page is a graphical representation of the system, providing detailed status information and allowing an easy configuration of each interface (port), as well as a more detailed view of the attached SFP modules. Besides the visual overview, the port information is also provided in a list view.

Configuration of a port is done by left-clicking on its graphical representation, thus exposing the following menu:

Note: Enabling or disabling tags will momentarily restart the filtering engine, resulting in a brief brake in the output flow.

Note 2: Setting any port's speed to 25G, or from 25G to any other speed, will trigger a momentary reset of the device interfaces. This will briefly impact the traffic flow.

Note 3: Depending on the SFP model, configuring an interface from 1G to 25G may generate temporary traffic flow issues. This can be mitigated by first switching the interface to 10G, and then to 25G.