Table of Contents


License information

The License information section of the Setup tab displays information about the current Supervisor license, including the maintenance period and the maximum number of devices that can be controlled.

Configuration backup and restore

The Configuration Backup and Restore section of the Setup tab allows the exporting and importing of the Supervisor instance configuration. The data can be exported by inserting a passphrase, selecting the parts to be exported, and pressing the Export button. The system will generate an encrypted archive that can be safely stored as backup. This package can be imported back to the Supervisor instance via a similar process: insert the passphrase, select the parts of the configuration you wish to import, press the Import button, and select the archived configuration file.

Note: The same passphrase as the one used for exporting the configuration file is required for importing it.

Note: The export functionality will not backup the Supervisor license.


The Syslog tab displays the logs of the Supervisor system. On this page, the system logs can be refreshed, downloaded, or reset. It is also possible to configure remote collectors for the system logs. This can be done by clicking the Remote Servers button and using the view that appears to configure the remote logging server details.